Gas Turbines

Small Power Generating Units

Supplies of cogeneration units (CHP) for local production of electricity and heat. Supplied CHP units burning natural gas with an electrical output ranging from 7 kW to 4.5 MW, and CHP units burning biogas with an electrical output from ranging from 25 kW to 2 MW.

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CHP units are highly sophisticated process units designed for combined production of power and heat. It is a combination of a combustion engine, a generator, a set of heat exchangers, and a control system by means of local, PC-assisted remote, and even cell-phone control of CHP units.

The dominant fuel used in powering CHP units is natural gas. However, the number of facilities that use biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas or other alternative fuels as, for example, mine gas, expands abruptly in recent years.

Adventages of Cogeneration:

  • Because the heat from cogeneration is used to heat or prepare hot water, an alternate source for this heat is no longer needed. This saves fuel as well as financial means needed for its purchase.

  • The higly effiecient utilization of energy in fuel, which often exceeds 90%, reduces both the fuel energy demand and the global amount of CO2.

  • For each kilowatt hour of electricity generated, the operator of the cogeneration unit gets a green energy bonus for electricity from cogeneration.

  • Support for cogeneration, including the purchase of electricity, is ensured by law.

Cogeneration is worth it wherever extraction of heat or cold is assured.

It is applicable especially in:

  • Hotels, guest houses, hostels
  • Retirement homes, nursing homes, hospitals and clinics
  • Indoor swimming pools, water parks, spas and fitness centres
  • Schools, office buildings, supermarkets and malls
  • Agricultural establishments, breweries, zoos, industrial establishments, laundromats, urban heating plants, luxury family houses and others


EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


30 years of ShaanGu EKOL company

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Bioelectric plant in Sviadnov

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On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre...

Update: 27.04.2024